I am absolutely blown away by all the Waterlogue artists that are partipating in #PrettyWaterlogueApril on Instagram. There are so many beautiful images. Some would make beautiful greeting cards or garden flags. Others need to be framed and hung up to enjoy immediately! Scroll down to see my top picks this week!
I’m still working on that amazing giveaway prize, but I can tell you so far I have some great sponsors! Check back soon to learn more. In the meantime, I thought you might get a kick out of some photos from our Spring Break trip to Beaver Creek, Co.
Pretty Handsome Guy, myself and the two Handy Boys enjoyed some fresh powder and beautiful vistas.
PrettyHandyBoy #1 and I taking a rest at the top of the mountain:
This is my favorite picture that was taken of me. I don’t think anyone could miss me in that bright coat. LOL.
The boys truly wowed me as they carved turns down some intermediate trails at the end of the week. Considering this was their first time skiing beyond the North Carolina mountains, that’s saying a lot!
You know this chocoholic chick was on the slopes everyday at 3pm when the Cookie Ambassadors passed out fresh chocolate chip cookies!
Beaver Creek also had loads of fun things for the kids to do. Pretty Handy Boy #2 was thrilled to do backflips on the bungee trampolines:
Somehow I was talked into trying it out. At first I was enjoying it…
…but after I was pressured into doing a backflip…I began to regret eating the cookie right before jumping.
I had a chance to see my Aunt Bonnie who lives in Denver. We had fun shopping, eating and catching up.
I also enjoyed snapping a few pictures of the landscape and turning them into beautiful Waterlogue paintings for the #PrettyWaterlogueApril challenge (you can see the rest of my pictures on Instagram):
It was extremely tough choosing my favorite paintings this week. In no particular order, these were the chosen images. If you are on Instagram, be sure to click on the links to follow these talented artists:
by lizekstrom
by: Keeping Up Blog
by CueLifePhoto
by glogil
by slaiho
by cosmica
by FunkyFlures (this gal literally just started posting with this amazing painting!)
by kayteebird47
by DotShots
by saurand
by rcdana
All amazing paintings aren’t they?! Be sure to join in or follow along this week by following me on Instagram and #PrettyWaterlogueApril.
The post Best of #PrettyWaterlogueApril Week 1 appeared first on Pretty Handy Girl.